Protect Your Vehicle While
Increasing Shine And Gloss

Never Detail Your Car Again!

Benefits of Coating

The Beneifits of Ceramic Coatings

Paint coatings resist dirt and dust better than traditional protection of wax and sealants. This means it is much easier to clean and maintain your car whilst keeping it looking like new.

Glass or ceramic coatings are usually tougher than the vehicles factory coat. This added hardness helps to protect the paint against UV damage, hard water spots, guano and other environmental pollutants associated with daily driving. Coatings also tend to be much more resistant to chemicals than traditional forms of protection.

Ultimate Shine

The most obvious benefit is the gloss and shine the coat gives to the car, so not only is the car easier to maintain and well protected, but it looks great too. The car still needs maintenance but waxing and sealants are no longer needed, and the upkeep is much easier, with no need for scrubbing when cleaning.

Applying a car coating is not an excuse to neglect a car and never wash it. There are proper techniques to wash and maintain your car once the coating has been applied, so there should be a commitment to learn how best to keep the coating in the best condition. The professional installer will be able to provide all the advice you need on proper maintenance, including which products and techniques are best to use when cleaning.

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