Protect Your Vehicle While
Increasing Shine And Gloss

Never Detail Your Car Again!

Proper Preparation


Before you begin applying a ceramic coating to your vehicle, practice the application process so you get a feel for it. Do the same with the polishing process so that you can be sure to get the gloss finish at the level you want.

When applying a ceramic coating, make sure you are in a well ventilated and dust-free area. It is recommended that you use a protective mask and wear protective gloves during application as the liquid contains solvents.

The ideal ambient temperature for applying a ceramic coating is 25°C (+/-5°C). If the surface is too hot, the liquid will cure too rapidly making polishing very difficult.

Plan your work. Apply the coating in small sections, such as one body panel at a time and if possible work in a team where one person applies the coating, and the other is ready to polish.

Be sure to read why you should use a ceramic coating on your car and see if this is the right protection for your car.

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